Grandparents4Kids Policies

Reading is an integral part of growing up. It is entertaining, educational, and enlightening. G4K supports reading books, not banning them. But we must protect children from things that can be harmful. G4K recommends that school libraries implement a rating system, with parental and community input, that identifies books containing adult content deemed inappropriate for children.

A parent’s fundamental right to “establish a home and bring up children” is enshrined in the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and in U.S. Supreme Court cases going back a hundred years. G4K believes that parental rights must be respected, and parents must have a voice in the educational, emotional, spiritual, and medical issues their children face. G4k supports these rights and opposes policies or practices that ignore or diminish them. 

Only girls/females based on their biological sex at birth should compete in girls’/female sports. While G4K supports all children, it stands against policies and practices that deny girls/females the right to compete fairly against members of their own biological sex without interference from others that were born as biological males. We must preserve the integrity of girls'/female sports and ensure that all biological girls/females can compete in a fair and safe environment. 

Grandparents4Kids (G4K) Social Media Policy
February 7, 2024


Grandparents4Kids (G4K) recognizes the importance of maintaining a strong and responsible presence on social media platforms to fulfill our mission of educating and engaging grandparents in positively impacting children's lives. This Policy outlines the guidelines and expectations for all G4K social media accounts and organization members.

1. Social Media Accounts

1.1. Ownership and Responsibility: G4K social media accounts are considered national marketing accounts owned and operated by the organization. The responsibility for managing these accounts falls under the purview of the G4K leadership team.

1.2. Authorized Users: Only authorized G4K representatives, staff, or volunteers can post on G4K social media accounts. These individuals will create and manage content that aligns with our mission and values.

1.3. Protection of Sensitive Information: Care must be taken not to share confidential or sensitive information about G4K, its members, or children in social media posts.

2. Private Facebook Groups

2.1. Chapter Groups: Each chapter of G4K may have its private Facebook group for sharing information, fostering community, and collaborating with local members. These representatives will administer G4K groups and follow the same guidelines as the national social media accounts.

2.2. Membership Criteria: Access to chapter-specific groups is typically limited to registered members of the respective G4K chapter or known persons with aligned values. G4K representatives will verify and grant access to ensure the privacy and security of group discussions.

3. Non-Political Stance

3.1. 501(c)(3) Status: G4K is recognized as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. As such, we must not endorse or promote any political candidates, parties, or political agendas on our social media accounts or platforms. A statement to this effect must be included on the G4K home webpage and in the rules of all G4K social media groups.

3.2. Focus on Education and Child Welfare: G4K's primary mission is to educate grandparents and engage them in activities that positively impact children's lives. All social media content must align with this mission and refrain from engaging in political discussions or advocacy.

4. Content Guidelines

4.1. Respect and Civility: All content posted by G4K on social media platforms, including posts of others shared by G4K, must be respectful and align with G4K values and guiding principles. G4K does not discriminate and encourages constructive dialogue on its platforms. Harassment or personal attacks are not allowed..

4.2. Fact-Based Information: G4K will ensure that all information shared on its social media accounts is fact-based, accurate, and sourced from credible and reliable sources whenever possible. Where appropriate, a link to the source material should be included.

4.3. Consistency: G4K will maintain a consistent and professional brand identity across all social media platforms to reinforce its commitment to its mission.

5. Moderation and Enforcement

5.1. Moderation: G4K representatives will actively moderate comments and posts on all social media platforms to ensure that discussions remain respectful and adhere to the organization's guidelines.

5.2. Consequences: Violations of this Social Media Policy may result in the removal of content, suspension, or permanent banning of users from G4K social media accounts or groups, depending on the severity and recurrence of the offense.

6. Reporting Violations

6.1. Reporting Concerns: If any member or follower of G4K encounters content or behavior on our social media platforms that violates this policy, they are encouraged to promptly report it to the organization's leadership team.


Grandparents4Kids is committed to maintaining a responsible and respectful presence on social media platforms. By adhering to this Social Media Policy, G4K and its members can effectively fulfill our mission of educating grandparents and making a positive impact on children's lives while maintaining the organization's 501(c)(3) status and non-political stance.

I agree to adhere to the G4K Social Media Policy set forth above in connection with all content posted on behalf of G4K.

Internet Safety Tips from Grandparents4Kids

Minors are susceptible to many predators online. 


Have frequent conversations with your kids/grandkids.

  • Be open and tell them what limitations you will place on their online devices, if any (limiting screen time, can they have devices in their bedroom at night, will you be checking photos, etc.).

  • Play their online games with them, you’ll be surprised at what you learn.

  • Teach them their self-worth does not come from the number of “likes” online.

  • Strengthen your family by spending fun time together.

  • Discuss how someone they meet online may not be who they say they are.

  • Discuss what your child should do if something inappropriate occurs.

Investigate whether you would like filters or controls on your child’s online devices.

Many resources. Click on parental controls, then devices. If the device is an iPhone, make sure to look at cyberflashing (airdrop) and make your phone more private. 

Learn more about internet safety at  Scroll about halfway down for the Internet Safety Toolkit.

Learn about sextortion and how to protect kids. 

Lessons on digital safety for parents and kids are already available in Douglas County and across Colorado. The home page has a lot of information; but watch the video How DFI works for an overview